We are sorry to hear that one of our new Beacon Hill businesses is closing. Kajsa Soderlund sent us this email:
A Touch of Sweden is sad to announce that we are going to need to close our business in Beacon Hill due to a family emergency. My dad who is in Sweden has cancer. It has become increasingly hard emotionally for me to be this far away from him, especially since learning to know his cancer has spread. Because of this, we have decided to go back to Sweden in August. At the end of this month, we are going to move to Minneapolis where PopTop is from and stay there until we leave for Sweden.
We are going to have a garage sale/bake sale
this Sunday June 21 1pm to 5 pmbetween 1308 and 1312Beacon Ave S13th Ave S at S Judkins Street. We will sell furniture (like a platform bed, a dresser etc), glassware, books and other items to economically support our move. We would be most grateful for any donations or tips.We will also have some baked goods for sale at this event.
Please, spread the word among family, neighbors, and friends. We need all the help we can get.
Thank you,
Kajsa and PopTop
(Edited on July 2 to add a new letter from Kajsa:)
Hello all.
This is an announcement regarding the rescheduled date and time for A Touch of Sweden’s yard sale/ bake sale this Saturday July 3rd 9 AM to 5 PM at 13th Ave S/S Judkins Street (right next to the Pacific Medical building/Amazon). The previous yard sale/bake sale was canceled due to not good weather.
We are asking the Beacon Hill community to please support us. At the moment, we don’t have enough money to buy or rent a car and a trailer to take us back to Minneapolis since we only have $150. We are looking for a way to get a car through donation or a car we can sell in Minneapolis and send back the money to the seller before we leave for Sweden.
As of Sunday evening, we will have nowhere to stay in Seattle so it will be necessary for us to leave and head for Minneapolis Sunday July 4th in the afternoon/evening. Whatever donations or purchases at the yard sale will be greatly appreciated as we are in an urgent state where we need to leave Seattle for Sweden.
We will be selling a platform bed, a 1.2.3 futon, a wooden dresser, bookshelves, tv/video/dvd, vaccuum cleaner, curtain rods (brand new) trampoline (barely used) household items, cd rack, 2 pairs of speakers, large kitchen garbage can, bolt cutter, clothes, shoes, rocking chair and so much more.
We do know in our hearts that everything will be fine in the end but need your assistance to create some magic.
Thanks for the opportunity to prepare and share our baked goods with the Beacon Hill community. Your support and wonderful feedback has meant the world to us.
With love and light,
Kajsa and PopTop