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In other Cleveland High School news, the school, which was recently named one of the state’s lowest-performing, will be starting their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) option program this fall. But the $800,000 contract with the New Technology Network to help phase in the program is being revised from the version approved by the School Board last month. The Seattle Times (BHB news partner) explains the delay here.
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Willie Weir finds that the new Google Maps Bike Route option is, sadly, “not ready for prime time,” sometimes sending cyclists on dangerous routes like Rainier Avenue South.
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Overheard on Twitter recently, from @danaeK: “Bars in Beacon Hill and Lake City have more in common than one might expect.”
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Yesterday’s hot topic on the Beacon Hill Mailing List was the search for a good local vet. Anyone have any good suggestions for vets in the Beacon Hill/Rainier Valley area?
Also on the mailing list: the local canines seem to have spring fever. There have been two reports of dogs running loose in the last couple of days. The first, reported by Alex, was “an unattended mid sized beagle looking dog running freely west on Stevens St. toward 23rd avenue… it seemed a bit skittish and was enjoying freedom and kept going before I could get to it.”
Yesterday neighbor Francine reported “an adorable little black dog west up Columbian Way toward the Beacon Avenue… She/he crossed the BUSY Columbian and I tried to coax her in my car, but no luck. She tore off again.” We hope that both of these dogs have returned home safely.