A Master Use Permit Application was filed recently for a six-story structure on the property at 2721 17th Avenue South, the southeast corner of the “Beacon Hill Station Block.” The deadline for comments is this Wednesday, September 19. However, the comment period may be extended if a written request to do so is received by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) before the deadline.
The notice of application from the DPD says:
“Land Use Application to allow six-story structure containing 47 residential units and 2,046 sq. ft. of retail space. Parking for 17 vehicles to be provided below grade.”
The site is zoned Neighborhood Commercial 2 (NC2), 65′ tall, with pedestrian incentive, and it is in the light rail station area overlay district. NC2 is defined by the city as “A moderately-sized pedestrian-oriented shopping area that provides a full range of retail sales and services to the surrounding neighborhood.” Because the project is in the light rail station area overlay, no parking is required.
You can comment at this link, or by mail to:
Department of Planning and Development
ATTN: Public Resource Center or Assigned Planner
700 5th Ave Ste 2000
P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Comments may also be submitted by fax to 205-233-7901, or email to PRC@seattle.gov.
View New development on Beacon Hill Station block in a larger map
Are there any elevation views or renderings available? I imagine if they are going through design review they needed to provide some representation of what the building would look like to the City. I tried following the links but didn’t see anything. Any guidance or links would be appreciated.
As i understand it, MUP plans are not available online; they have to be viewed in person at the Muni Tower during business hours. The prior design guidance package is available online at http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/Planning/Design_Review_Program/Project_Reviews/Reports/default.asp, but those plans are dated and more conceptual. The mup plans show the actual proposal.
Ok here we go, a over priced bee hive and a rite aid, wallgreens? Â Great I don’t know what is to become of beacon hill if this is the trend. For those who don’t get why it is good to live here the way it was please leave things. Our crappy businesses and over priced groceries are just fine. Go to the mall or to Pill hill to get your kitchy fix.Â
Let it be, you sound like another frequent poster here. And if you are that poster, please stop changing your name. Use a consistent name and consider using your real one and standing up behind your opinions.
Changing your name all the time, incidentally, is what throws your posts into the moderation queue where they aren’t seen until I look at them. The blog will let posts through right away if you always use the same name, email, etc. Changing any of those throws them into moderation.
Thanks for the link Jen. I haven’t had time to research the process for the development, so hadn’t realized they had already been through some review. If anyone else is interested, here’s the link for the conceptual design package (in pdf) from the developer: http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/AppDocs/GroupMeetings/DRProposal3012392AgendaID3357.pdf
It is important to know that the presentation at Peter’s link was made prior to approval of the up-zone to 65′, so the original plan had only 4 floors above ground. However, in anticipation of the up-zone they did have alternative plans in the presentation that took advantage of the full 65′. The sketches of Schemes D and E on sheets 11 and 11a better represent the current plan.
Also, the MUP boards incorrectly indicate the project is 5 floors when it is actually 6 floors plus an underground garage, as indicated in the on-line DPD information.
Personally, I like the plan as laid out. DPD didn’t honor their commitment to create a lower-height buffer between single family and the 65-foot zoning, unless they consider the narrow 17th avenue to be that buffer. The designers are mostly taking advantage of the 65-foot limit, but are at least softening the transition from single family residences directly across the street by using townhouse-like individual residential entrances facing 17th avenue and keeping the garage access where it belongs, in the alley. It will be interesting to see what goes in the retail space.
Personally, I would love to have a Walgreen’s or Rite Aid (or, preferably, Bartell’s) up here.