As many of you know, there is a growing movement among Beacon Hill residents interested in safely getting people of all ages and abilities around and to destinations within our neighborhood on foot and bicycle. This propelled Beacon BIKES!, a growing group of community members, to obtain the knowledge and expertise of a consultant to bring our collective vision to fruition. (Links available describing some of our ideas can be found on the September 3rd posting on this blog.)
Friday, we chose Alta Planning + Design as our consultant from among three enthusiastic applicants. Beacon BIKES! believes that pedestrians and cyclists encounter similar obstacles in getting around our neighborhood and that facilities that address both modes make the most sense. This philosophy is in line with Alta’s belief in “integrating all modes of travel (including walking and bicycling) into the daily lives of residents and creating healthy, safe, and sustainable communities.â€Â Most importantly, they offer an interactive approach geared to keeping the neighborhood informed and involved throughout the process.
All this is great news, but in order for this to work, we’ll need anyone and everyone to chime in at our monthly Beacon BIKES! meetings to make this a uniquely Beacon Hill plan. The next meeting will be held at the community room of the Library at 6:30 PM on Monday, September 13th. SDOT representatives will be in attendance, so the more Beaconites there, the more seriously our work will be taken. If you’re not involved already, you will want to be after this meeting!
In addition, there will be opportunities to participate through community forums, walks and other interactive outings to make this circulation plan for us and by us.
As always, you can prepare for the next Beacon BIKES! Family Bike and Pedestrian Circulation Plan meeting by visiting our Facebook page: Beacon BIKES!
You may also contact Sandra Woods or Brian Dougherty of SDOT and our City Council members to let them know you are a participant in and support our Family Bike and Pedestrian Circulation Plan.
Be sure to check back to the blog for updates. We hope to see many of you at the meeting.
Thanks Beacon Hill!