It looks like the restriping on 15th Avenue South north of Spokane Street has finally happened. The new right-turn lane at Spokane when heading southbound is much nicer than the old “squeeze into the de facto turn lane that isn’t really a lane, and hope you have room to make the turn” situation that used to be there. The new bike lane is nice, too. The parking situation has changed a bit, though. If you live, drive, or ride on 15th, how are you handling it?
Tag Archives: bike lanes
Beacon Bits: Missionaries, moving meats, and making crime more difficult
- Door-to-door alarm salesmissionaries, something you may already be familiar with — New York Times
- Beacon Hill International School PTA’s Beacon Bazaar end-of-year craft sale/yard sale/fundraiser is tomorrow from 9 to 2 at BHIS, 2025 14th Ave. S.
- Gabriel Claycamp‘s Swinery Deli is opening… in West Seattle — West Seattle Blog
- We’ve got the germ of a bike lane on the north tip of 15th, Now This Is A Bike Path — The Stranger
- Crime prevention is the gist of the Seattle Police Department’s South Precinct newsletter
Bike lane added to 15th Avenue S

This part of 15th tends to have drivers who drive excessively fast. Cyclists, remember the bike lane doesn’t guarantee your safety, so please be careful out there; drivers, please watch out for cyclists both here on 15th and elsewhere on the hill, and remember that it is illegal to drive in the bike lane.
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(The dedicated bike lane does run only a few blocks before going back to “sharrows”, but it’s a start! — Jason)