Thanks to Gina Tolentino and Dan Bennett who posted more photos of Sunday’s Beacon Block Party to the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr. We’re sharing some of them here, but there are more great photos in the pool — check them out!

Thanks to Gina Tolentino and Dan Bennett who posted more photos of Sunday’s Beacon Block Party to the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr. We’re sharing some of them here, but there are more great photos in the pool — check them out!
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More free trees! EarthCorps and the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment are looking to provide trees to residents to plant on private property or the planting/parking strips along the street in neighborhoods with low tree canopy coverage. There are several trees to choose from, including cherry trees. Check the EarthCorps site for more info and the application form.
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Craig Thompson takes KOMO’s Travis Mayfield for a walk in the Jungle. Video, too. And more at Travis’s personal blog.
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Garage sale Sunday near 28th and Ferdinand — Craigslist
You can post your own garage sale announcements in our Forum.
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The Chrysanthemum Literary Society’s inaugural poetry reading is this Saturday, the 19th, from 10:30am to 12:30pm at the Beacon Hill library.
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Don’t forget the other events coming up — like the Lucile Street block party this Saturday starting at noon! Check out the event calendar for more.
Kelly Brownlee wrote to get the word out about the Lucile Street block party near Cleveland High this upcoming Saturday the 19th — everybody’s invited! She’s particularly looking for folks who might want to bring a BBQ grill and anyone who can help with road closure signs.
Block Party on South Lucile Street!
(Between 16th and 17th Ave S. on South Lucile Street)When: Saturday, September 19th, 12-4pm
What to bring:
- Food — Bring a dish to share or some meat for grilling! We’ll have grills set up. Don’t cook? Bring paper plates & napkins or something to drink.
- A chair
- Umbrellas if it sprinkles
Fun & Games:
Chalk drawing in the streets, cupcakes & more!Meet your community:
Neighbors, safety liaisons, Cleveland High School staffGet involved:
Be part of our neighborhood phone tree, sign up to be part of Block Watch & moreBut most importantly… come have fun and get to know the people in your neighborhood!
Please direct suggestions, questions to contact below. Can you contribute a folding table? Grill? Canopy in the event it sprinkles? Ideas? Let me know! In the event of a downpour, the party will be rescheduled.
Please RSVP to: Kelly B. 206-818-1625
Please do not park on Lucile between 16th and 17th Ave S. during the block party. Street and alleyways will be closed to traffic from 12-4pm.