Tag Archives: swat

Armed man killed by SWAT team

From our news partner The Seattle Times:

…Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz, said that a passer-by called 911 at 2:25 p.m. to report a man slumped over the steering wheel of his car that was parked in the 1400 block of South Atlantic Street. Seattle Fire Department spokeswoman Sue Stangl said that paramedics responded to the scene for a 911 call regarding a man who was possibly ill in a car.

Metz said the firefighters tried to get the man to open the vehicle door, but he refused.
When a firefighter finally got the door opened, the man pulled out a handgun, said Metz. He said that the firefighters backed off and took cover as police were summonded.

SWAT officers responded. The man “still had the weapon in his hand,” and the SWAT officers “ordered several times for him to drop the weapon,” he said.

Neighbors were confined to their homes temporarily while investigators worked the scene.

Read more in The Times. And more about the possibility of “suicide by cop.”

11/23 Update: More details on the SPD Blotter blog.

Crime notes: Muggings and taserings

B - Burglaries, R - Robberies, O - Other

“chanman” wrote to the mailing list and described a mugging that occurred last night at about 9pm near the Valero station on Beacon where he was attacked by one of group of three teens:

Three high-school aged young men passed me on the sidewalk when I was walking home from the light rail station and one of them ran from behind and tried to grab my bag. When I resisted, he started punching me in the face and we tussled on the ground.

He also provided a pretty good description of the group:

They are 16-18 years old. The two onlooking friends: one is African-American, about 5’11, wearing a black baseball cap, while the second friend is lighter complected, possibly Caucasian and shorter, around 5’3-5’5 with large, bushy brown hair and a black jacket. The feisty manbag-grabbing/combat enthusiast was 5’6-7, either Asian or Hispanic, had a dark baseball cap, a white or grey hoodie with a logo on the front, and jeans. While he was pummeling me on the sidewalk I scratched his back in defense, which certainly left a mark. They headed north on Beacon Ave after the incident. The police were notified by passerby (thanks neighbors!) and the incident number is 10-102895. Please let them know if you have any information.

He’s OK and still has his bag and was composed enough in the aftermath to remind everyone that positive outreach and intervention to “written-off” kids can make a difference.

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Holly Park home invasionSeattleCrime.com

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A federal appeals court says the 2004 use of a stun gun on a pregnant mother on Beacon Hill who refused to sign a traffic ticket is A-OK. — KOMO

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Selected items from the bhnw.org scanner logs:


  • 3/19 12:45pm near 12th and Stevens
  • 3/23 11:45am near 13th and Lucile — Occupied forced entry burglary
  • 3/24 2:30pm near 16th and Lucile — Aubile alarm
  • 3/25 2:30pm near 14th and Atlantic


  • 3/25 8:30pm near 14th and Walker — Strong arm robbery


  • 3/19 7:45pm near MacPherson’s Produce — Fresh gang tagging


Crime notes: Guns, cocaine, and SWAT response

On Christmas night, a suspect in a domestic violence incident fled as officers arrived at the scene near MLK Way and Juneau. The victim suggested the suspect might be found at a friend’s house at 22nd and Lucile. The SPD Blotter details the situation that followed:

Officers located the vehicle at that location within one minute of that information being broadcast. Once the house was surrounded, the officers could see an individual inside matching the suspect description.

Officers attempted to call the suspect inside, but it went straight to voice mail. A short time later, the resident’s cousin and his two children exited the residence and they stated that the suspect was inside.

The suspect still refused to answer his cell phone or to respond to hailing. At that point, the door of the residence was still open from the cousin exiting, so the officers formed a contact team and made entry to take the suspect into custody.

As the officers entered the residence to take the suspect into custody, they located a large quantity of narcotics (1/4 kilo of cocaine) and several weapons (Mak90 and Tec9) in plain view.

The suspect had retreated into the attic so the residence was locked down and SWAT was called out. SWAT responded to the scene and used a flash bang device thrown into the attic to get the suspect to respond and ultimately surrender.

The suspect was taken into custody and booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary and Eluding. In addition, the home owner/resident was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Violation of Uniform Control Substance Act and Violation of Firearms Control Act.

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A sampling of recent burglaries logged at bhnw.org and reported on the mailing lists:

  • December 22nd, 8pm — 15th and College (reportedly one of many in that vicinity on this day)
  • December 23rd, 1pm — 17th and Shelton
  • December 26th, 10pm — Beacon and Holly

Parkland shooting suspect reported captured, dead in Othello area

According to scanner reports, the suspect in the Lakewood police shootings, Maurice Clemmons, was captured earlier this morning in the 4400 block of South Kenyon Street, and KIRO 7, KIRO 97.3, CBS Radio News, and several other local media outlets have just now reported that he is dead.

The location on South Kenyon is east of Beacon Hill, in the Brighton/Othello neighborhood on the other side of Martin Luther King Way South. On Monday, police swarmed North Beacon Hill on 17th Avenue, and near the Jungle and Jose Rizal Bridge in pursuit of Clemmons.

On Twitter, @rahnerseatimes (Mark Rahner of the Seattle Times) reports that there was a shooting at the South Kenyon location at around 2:39 am, and that “Clemmons (is) said to have challenged police who approached him and was shot.”

Movement was seen inside the house near which Clemmons was captured, and SWAT teams have moved in and a perimeter has been set up around the house.

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