Tag Archives: jason wong

Crime notes: James sentenced, scanner logs, $7.5K reward

BHNW incident map
Selected incidents appearing in bhnw.org scanner logs. B - Burglaries, V - Vehicle thefts/break-ins, S - Shooting or weapons

Rodney James was sentenced to 30 months in prison for the December 12th alcohol-involved crash that injured Wah and Jason Wong on Columbian Way. The West Seattle Blog has minute-by-minute coverage of the sentencing hearing. Thanks, Seattle Times and WSB!

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Man shot in robbery — On the night of January 7th around 10:15pm, a man was robbed by several suspects in a black Jeep in the alley between 15th and 16th, just north of Plum. After refusing to turn over his money as demanded, three of the suspects physically assaulted the victim and the driver, a white female, fired a small handgun, striking the victim in the left torso. The victim reports he escaped and heard two more shots as he fled. After returning to his home near 16th and Holgate and evaluating his wounds, he took a cab to Harborview and reported the incident to police on January 10th. The reporting officer was unable to correspond any 911 calls to the approximate time of the incident.

Thanks to Scott from CDNews for forwarding the police report.

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Selected incidents of note, collected from bhnw.org scanner logs and recent mailing list postings:


  • 2/6 10:30pm near 13th and Bayview: Forced entry burglary.
  • 2/9 2:45pm near 25th and Bradford: Forced entry burglary.
  • 2/11 1:00pm near 21st and Waite: An attempted burglary. Police responded with suspect still in the yard.


  • 2/9 4:15pm near 33rd and Graham: A woman saw someone leaving something something in her trash. When confronted he pulled a gun on her and then jumped into a black Mercedes and left.

Vehicle theft

  • 2/14 near 19th and Spokane: As reported on the BAN list, a teal 1992 Honda Civic hatchback was stolen and replaced with a nearly identical vehicle(!). The missing vehicle has plate number 932VQS. The “replacement” vehicle, also presumably stolen, has plate number 187WHY.

Vehicle break-in

  • 2/15 8:30am near Beacon and Graham

Other suspicious activity

  • 2/10 2:45pm near 12th and Nevada: Two men came to the resident’s door and tried to get in. Perhaps unrelatedly, about three hours later a drive-by shooting occurred at this same address.

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$7,500 reward for return of stolen data — Eriq Chang lost his entire business last weekend when, in a seemingly targeted occurrence, his home was burgled and the only items stolen were his computer and backup drive.

Following the break is a formal request, reward stipulation, and release of liability on return of the stolen data as drafted by Eriq’s attorney. If you can help Eriq out, contact his lawyer or email Eriq directly at eriq@eriqchangstudio.com or call 206-659-5585.

Continue reading Crime notes: James sentenced, scanner logs, $7.5K reward

Wongs still recovering from crash injuries

West Seattle Blog has another report on the recovery status of Beacon Hill neighbor Wah Wong and his son Jason. Wah, who operates the Jade West Café in West Seattle, was seriously injured along with Jason on December 12 when the two were struck in their own front yard by a Corvette that left the road and pinned the Wongs between the front of the Corvette and their own car. Jason Wong is leaving the hospital after the amputation of his left leg, and Wah Wong has had surgery for his leg as well and is currently recovering at a skilled nursing facility. Neither will be able to return to work for some time.

The driver of the Corvette, Rodney Dean James, is in custody, charged with vehicular assault.

If you would like to help the Wong family, you may donate to “Save Jade West Café” at any Wells Fargo Bank. Donations will help with the family’s medical bills.

Beacon Bits: Wong well-wishes, chief search, found dog

Get-well card for Wah Wong and family
Get-well wishes for Wah Wong and family posted outside the Jade West Cafe in West Seattle. Photo courtesy West Seattle Blog.

Wah Wong, the proprietor of the Jade West Cafe in West Seattle, who was injured in the DUI Corvette incident last week, has been released from Harborview. His son, Jason, is still in the hospital, reportedly in satisfactory condition — West Seattle Blog

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El Centro’s Roberto Maestas has been appointed to Mayor-elect McGinn’s Police Chief Search Committee.

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A lost dog followed Jennie home. She writes:

Today a young, male American Staffordshire Terrier (possible mix) followed me and my dog home. We found him near the library. He is mostly white with some brindle spots on his back and ear and has bright ice white-blue eyes. He’s very friendly.

He has no tags and the veterinarian found no ID chip. She’ll be calling Animal Control soon, but if you recognize this dog by description, please call 206-971-6028.