Tag Archives: nbhc

North Beacon Hill Council to elect new directors, discuss neighborhood plan

Next week’s North Beacon Hill Council meeting will include the election of a new board of directors, as well as updates on the Neighborhood Plan update process, Jefferson Park, and the Pedestrian Plaza/Festival Street. Interested in becoming a board member? The council asks that you be a voting member (having attended one meeting), are willing to attend each monthly meeting, and “have an interest in the future of North Beacon Hill at this time of transition.”

The meeting is May 7, 7:00 pm, at the Beacon Hill Library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South.

Read on after the jump for the full agenda.
Continue reading North Beacon Hill Council to elect new directors, discuss neighborhood plan

North Beacon Hill Council meeting this Thursday

The North Beacon Hill Council monthly meeting is this Thursday, at 7:00 pm at the Beacon Hill Library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South.

Here’s the agenda, as sent by Judith Edwards to the Beacon Hill Mailing List:

The North Beacon Hill Council Meeting will be a short one this month, as we must be out of the Library by 8:00. Though short, it’s very important.

Planning Director Ray Gastil of the Seattle Department of Planning and Development will be with us. Ray chairs the inter-departmental team that is updating our Neighborhood Plans.

On Saturday many of us met with Ray and others to provide input to the Station Area planning and ultimately, our Neighborhood Plans. Ray is meeting with us to answer these questions:

1. How can the community stay involved in the process, particularly concerning how the information gained at Saturday’s workshop is incorporated into our existing neighborhood plan and matrix?

2. What are realistic time lines for different phases of the planning process? How do zoning updates, review by other city departments, Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan, etc. affect this timeline?

3. How can we build a collaborative and trusting relationship with your department and others in the city? What can we expect from you? What do you expect from us?

Please plan to attend this important meeting. The agenda is as follows:

7:00 Hellos, Introductions, Announcements
7:15 Ray Gastil, Director, office of Planning and Development, City of Seattle
7:25 Q&A with Ray
7:40 Community Concerns – due to our limited time frame there will be no police visit this month.
7:55 Close

NBHC looking for directors and volunteers

North Beacon Hill Council Chair Judith Edwards writes to the mailing list:

Several North Beacon Hill Council Directors positions will be open in 2009. Nominations for these positions will be brought forward at the May Council meeting. Residents of the community and business owners in the service area are invited and encouraged to fill these positions.

The North Beacon Council (NBHC) is a voice for our neighborhood, building relationships with City Council members, and City departments, applying for or acting as a fiscal agent for grants that result in improvements to North Beacon Hill such as stairway cleanup/enhancement, pedestrian crossings, public spaces, etc. These are some of the skills the Council is looking for:

  1. Someone with the ability to update and add new members to an existing webpage – and we’d be open to someone re-designing the page, making it really pop!
  2. A willingness to take minutes at meetings and provide them to the web-site monitor for posting to the website.
  3. Someone to act as a fundraising chair – getting people excited about an occasional fund raiser for the Council – a great position for an idea person!
  4. Someone to act as a liaison to media outlets, seeing that meetings and events are published, media attention is brought to the community in a positive way. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to establish media contacts!
  5. Someone to monitor and report to the council zoning requests/changes which will have or do have an impact on the BH area.
  6. And many other skills!

Directors are elected to two year terms, and are expected to attend one (1) meeting per month, on the first Thursday of each month. These volunteer positions offer a great opportunity for leadership in the community and a chance to be part of the exciting changes which Beacon Hill will see in the coming years. Sorry, no recompense – only glory! Interested? Contact Judith Edwards, NBHC Chair, by emailing judedw@comcast.net.

Thanks, Judith!

Competing meetings tonight

Tonight is both the NBHC monthly meeting, this one with a special focus on “transit oriented development”, as well as the BAN meeting (on new, tentative schedule), where the topic concerns grants: city grants for Beacon Bluff, Jose Rizal Park, and Lewis Park, and the county grant application deadline.

Full NBHC meeting agenda and location details were mentioned just a couple of posts ago.

The BAN meeting is also at 7pm tonight, but at the PacMed Quarters 1 building on the northwest corner of 14th Ave S and S Judkins.

Unfortunately, due to previous commitments we won’t be able to make either meeting — but please let us and your other neighbors that can’t make it to one meeting or the other know what happens in the comments!

NBHC meeting to tackle density topic

The North Beacon Hill Council meeting this Thursday will include discussion of the Transit-Oriented Development bill, HB1490, and the changes and density that the light rail station may bring to North Beacon Hill.

The meeting and discussion, as with all NBHC meetings, is open to all residents of Beacon Hill.

Time and location: 7:00 pm, Thursday, March 5, in the basement of the Beacon Hill Lutheran Church, 1730 South Forest (just east of the Library). Ample parking is available.

Here’s the full agenda:

  • 7:00 Hellos and announcements
    • Jefferson Park Festival, June 27 – volunteers?
    • Picnic and Piñatas, July 18 – volunteers?
  • 7:10 Light Rail and Neighborhood Changes:
    • HB1490 Pro and Con, Update
    • Bill LaBorde, Transp. Choices Coalition
    • Jenna Walden, Community Activist, Othello Neighborhood Council
  • 7:20 A time for questions and answers
  • 7:40 Lyle Bicknel, Seattle Department of Transportation, and leader of the SDOT and Dept. of Neighborhoods team which is working with the Neighborhood Policy Advisory Committee (NPAC) – an update on what’s happening
  • 7:50 Questions and answers
  • 8:10 Seattle Police Department and/or Shelly Bates
  • 8:20 Comments and concerns
  • 8:30 Close

Thanks to Judith Edwards for sending out the agenda!

NBHC meeting tonight

While it was on our events calendar we did forget to point out the agenda for tonight’s North Beacon Hill Community Council meeting until just now.

North Beacon Hill Community Council Meeting Agenda
When: Thursday, January 8th, 7:00 – 8:30
Where: Beacon Hill Library Community Room

  • 7:00 Welcomes, announcements
  • 7:15 Presentation by the Department of Transportation on the proposed parking plan for the Beacon Hill and the McClellan/Mt. Baker light rail stations.

    Community input is being asked for on:

    • restricted parking around stations
    • parking permits for neighborhood residents

    This is an important meeting to attend. SDOT will make a decision on the parking plan in February. Please join us in providing SDOT with our community’s needs prior to the decision making process.

  • 7:35 Open to questions and answers
  • 8:00 Seattle Police Department
  • 8:10 Community Concerns
  • 8:30 Close

Sorry for the late notice, folks!

Thanks to Amie Patao for posting it at north-beacon-hill.blogspot.com and Chris Bailey for sending it to the mailing list.

North Beacon volunteer potluck dinner, 12/4

The North Beacon Hill Council is hosting a potluck dinner to honor volunteers in the community. Amie Patao writes,

“Whether you pick up litter, help to clean up stairwells, work with the NBHC and GDDC, head up a Block Watch, keep the Jungle safe, help with the Piñata Party, walk your dog so the Hill is populated, go to the off-leash park, or advocate for pedestrian rights, you’re invited. I’m sure I’ve missed some of the many volunteer efforts that take place here on the Hill, so if I have, please know that you are included!”

The dinner is Thursday, December 4, 6:30-9:00 pm, at the Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Clubhouse, 4103 Beacon Ave South. Bring a dish to share; no alcoholic beverages are allowed at the clubhouse for this event. The potluck is in place of the monthly NBHC meeting.

NBHC Meeting tonight at Library

Amie Patao reminds us that tonight — yes, tonight — is this month’s meeting of the North Beacon Hill Council at the Beacon Hill Library.

  • 7:00 Welcome, quick intros
  • 7:10 What Programs Exist for our Neighborhood Youth?
    • Jennifer and Dano Jonavich: Thursday night BBQ
    • Mariana Quarnstrom: What Youth Need
    • Announcements of other programs – Judith and Steve
    • Questions, answers and comments
  • 8:00 South Seattle Police Department report
  • 8:15 Council business
    • Requests to use 501c3 number – SONG and Jefferson Park Playground (if granted, requires Board approval – will need a quorum)
    • Pancake Breakfast update (Robert Hinrix)
    • Metro news (Warren Yee)
  • 8:45 End