Mayor Mike McGinn will visit North Beacon Hill today, Wednesday, September 11, to announce a slate of neighborhood transportation investments that will be part of his upcoming budget proposal.
Among the investments are road maintenance and repair, bridge investments, coordinated transportation planning in four corridors, sidewalks, and more.
The announcement will be at 10:30 a.m. at the Roberto Maestas Festival Street, just north of Beacon Hill Station at Beacon and Lander.
It’s not quite on Beacon Hill, but Beacon Hill residents are invited: as part of the Engage Seattle initiative, Mayor Mike McGinn is holding a series of town halls starting with one at the Northwest African American Museum on Tuesday, June 19, from 5-6 p.m. Neighbors from our area are invited to bring their questions and comments for the mayor.
The Northwest African American Museum is located at 2300 S. Massachusetts St. (23rd and Massachusetts), and is near the 4, 7, 8, 42, and 48 bus routes. For more information about the event, contact Sol Villarreal at
The last Beacon Rocks! of 2011 was yesterday at the newly dedicated Roberto Maestas Festival Street. Here are some images of the sunny Sunday event:
This tiny ukelele player stole the show as part of the Seattle Fandango Project. Photo by Wendi.Mayor Mike McGinn spoke during the dedication of Roberto Maestas Festival Street. Photo by Wendi.El Centro representatives with a display at Beacon Rocks! Photo by Wendi.Baby Sophie enjoys sidewalk chalk. Photo by Melissa Jonas.Continue reading Yesterday at Beacon Rocks!→
Mayor Mike McGinn will be on Beacon Hill this coming Tuesday, May 11, at 2:00 pm for the announcement of the “Walk Bike Ride” Initiative supporting improved pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities and services “to make walking, biking, and riding transit the easiest ways to get around in Seattle.”
Mike McGinn at a town hall meeting on Beacon Hill last month. Photo by melissajonas.The Beacon Hill Blog Mayoral Survey is now closed. Here are the results:
McGinn: 61.5%
Mallahan: 33%
That dude sleeping on the bench in Triangle Park: 4%
Other: 1.5%
Will these match the final numbers? Time will tell.
At least two people attempted to stuff the ballot box by voting repeatedly (and obviously). Any votes that were the result of such ballot-box stuffing were removed from the final total. This left us with fewer than 100 responses, so it is a very small sample.
It’s taken us longer to compile results from last month’s Top of the Hill survey than we expected. There are still a bunch more results coming, but since absentee ballots for the upcoming election are landing in everyone’s mailboxes this week, we wanted to get one of the results out to you sooner, rather than later.
We asked, “Who’s your favorite mayoral candidate at the moment?” As of September 11, when the survey closed, these were the results:
Mike McGinn had a huge lead on Beacon Hill with 53% of the vote, followed by Joe Mallahan with 15%. “That dude sleeping on the bench in Triangle Park” had a relatively strong showing, with 9%. (For the first week of the survey, the anonymous Triangle Park guy was actually leading the race.) 6% of the “Other” responses were “I don’t know.” Current Mayor Greg Nickels had 6% of the survey responses (the chart does not show this correctly).
The survey closed on September 11, so your opinions might have changed, or not. What do you think now? We’ve posted a new survey to find out what you currently think. Beacon Hill folks only, please.
There will be fundraising, fun, festivities and food at the Rally in the Valley on Monday night. The event is a fundraiser for the Mike McGinn for Mayor campaign. Undecided? Enjoy a great meal and meet “We Like Mike” supporters–and Mike himself–to learn more about Mike’s positions on the issues.
Rally in the Valley
6:00 – 8:00 pm Monday, October 19
Jumbo Restaurant, 4208 Rainier Avenue South, near Rainier and Genesee.
There is no door fee, but donations are gratefully accepted. Please bring a can of food for the Rainier Valley Food Bank. All are welcome to watch the art performances from many diverse groups and join in the festivities.
Tonight from 6 to 8 pm is a candidates forum at NewHolly Gathering Hall, 7054 32nd Avenue South.
All the council candidates save President Richard Conlin, plus mayoral candidate Mike McGinn and, a little bit later in the evening, his opponent Joe Mallahan are expected to be there, addressing budget cuts, immigrant rights, education, and gang violence and taking questions from the hosts and the community.
"Vote" sign at El Centro, November 2008. Photo by Wendi.Leaves are starting to turn and clouds are staying around for days instead of hours. There’s that certain crispness in the air and football on TV (Go, Pack, Go!). It must be election season.
Tica and I have been walking the blocks of North Beacon Hill since 2003. We’ve watched election signs go up for Kerry, Bush, Rossi, Gregoire, Obama, McCain, Rossi, Gregoire… plus the monorail, levies, school board elections, parks, and more. This year, there just isn’t the same showing–for any issue or any candidate. Where are the yard signs? Is it too early in the season? Are candidates not producing them in the same way? It can’t be that Beacon Hill has become less interested in politics. The 36th District is active, engaged, smart and passionate. Both Democrats and Republicans in Beacon Hill vote.
Candidates are falling over themselves to attend and organize forums, townhalls, and walks in Beacon Hill and other parts of Southeast Seattle. The City is working on a Neighborhood Plan to decide how high buildings in the Beacon Hill “urban village” will be. There are changes proposed to improve the safety of cyclists on our streets. I know our neighbors have opinions–get involved! Attend meetings if you can, read up on the issues if you can’t, and talk to your neighbors.
Most importantly, register to vote and confirm that your ballot is on track to be mailed to your current address. All voting is by mail in Seattle. Go to My Vote to be sure that you’re going to get your ballot. Do you have a new roommate or neighbor? Do you know someone who just turned 18? Monday October 5th (today!) is the last day to register or change your address online. If you have never registered in Washington, you have until October 26th to register in person.
We have several important choices on the ballot this November. There are two new candidates for Mayor: Mike McGinn and Joe Mallahan. We’re choosing between several City Council candidates AND there’s a race for City Attorney and King County Executive. We are also voting on two statewide initiatives that could have lasting impact: I-1033 (a Tim Eyman initative) and R-71, a referendum to roll back approve or reject domestic partnership benefits.
Learn about the candidates and their values. Understand the implications of the initiatives. Vote. That’s even more important than yard signs.
(Editor’s note — corrected R-71 reference. If you vote “approve” on R-71, that is to approve the new state domestic partnership law. If you vote “reject,” your vote would be to repeal the law.)